Spring Boot Cassandra CRUD Examples Cassandra java Spring Boot by devs5003 - February 23, 2024March 1, 20240 In continuation to Cassandra DB installation, now it's time to discuss about the most important CRUD operations using Cassandra DB. If we are in Software development world, we should at least know ‘How to write CRUD operation on the database front’. Needless to say, how much importance these operations have in an application development. If you are developing any web application in any programming language, you can’t escape from these operations. CRUD is nothing but an abbreviation to Create, Read, Update and Delete. Moreover, development of CRUD operations is expected from all developers. We will learn ‘Spring Boot Cassandra CRUD Examples’ in this article. Software/Technologies Used in the Examples Sometimes a specific version conflicts with another version. In order to avoid such
How to install and download Cassandra DB on Windows? Cassandra java by devs5003 - February 23, 2022February 11, 20240 In this article, we are going to learn 'How to install and download Cassandra DB on Windows?' in simple steps. The Installation process of Cassandra DB is a bit tricky as compared to other database software. Needless to mention, Cassandra is a NoSQL DB and it is known for high performance. How to install Cassandra DB on Windows? We will discuss about 'How to install Cassandra DB on Windows?' in our local system here in this section. There are three mandatory software that we should have in our system in order to take complete benefit of the Cassandra DB. These are: 1) JDK 8+ 2) Python 2.7+ 3) Apache Cassandra 3+ Before the download Cassandra, please make sure that JDK and Python should be installed in