How To Become a Good Java Developer? java Microservices Programming Spring Spring Boot by devs5003 - October 13, 2024October 15, 20240 There are numerous programming languages that programmers and developers can use today from C language, C++ to Python etc. Java may be a language that is considered versatile due to its ability to be utilized in designing customized apps that are fast and lightweight. Programming languages are designed to shape out a developer's future, they are used to make different apps, wonderful websites, and several software products you see around you. Consider the big giants like Amazon, Google, and the rest other major industry players are using Java in a mature manner. Becoming expert Java developers puts individuals in the front line within the industry. Moreover, many companies are trying to find developers proficient in Java. Let's talk about some popularity
Java Microservices MCQs Practice Test java MCQ Microservices by devs5003 - September 11, 2024December 16, 20240 Solving Practice test plays a crucial role in becoming expert in any technology. It helps in thorough revision of the subject and make the concept crystal clear. Here in this article, we will focus on Java Microservices MCQs Practice Test with a variety of questions such as concept-based, code-based, and scenario-based. At the end of each question, we will explore the explanation of each option whether it is correct or incorrect. In fact, we should also pay attention on the incorrect option as it can have another useful concept. Java Microservices MCQs Practice Test Q#1: (Scenario-Based Question, Multi-Select) Your team is adopting a microservices architecture for a new application. Which of the following principles should you follow to effectively implement microservices? A) Each
Spring Cloud Essentials java Microservices Spring Boot Spring Cloud by devs5003 - July 27, 2024October 15, 20240 Whether you are a beginner or an experienced or trying to become a developer in the near future, you must have at least heard about the term Microservices. Undoubtedly, if you are working on it, you must have already had a good experience with it. Moreover, you must also have observed that the term 'Spring Cloud' comes in between while talking about Microservices. Do you know, why so? If you know it's good. If not, let's spare some time going through this article thoroughly. In this article, apart from knowing what is Spring Cloud, you will also get to know what are the features, capabilities and other fundamental concepts of Spring Cloud that are expected from a Microservices developer. Let's start
Java Microservices MCQ Questions & Answers Explained java MCQ Microservices by devs5003 - June 26, 2024November 17, 20241 If you are a Java developer, you are expected to have a good understanding of Microservices Concepts, both conceptual part & programming part as well. Undoubtedly, Microservices is the demanding programming pattern in the industry. Spring Boot & Spring Cloud support to develop Microservices based applications in Java. If you have a good hold on both, you will easily be able to work on it smoothly. In this article, we will refresh the Microservices concepts in the form of MCQs that are frequently asked in the interviews as well. Furthermore, you must also get benefitted in both either a written test or the interviews from these Java Microservices MCQs. Here are the most important and foundation based multiple-choice questions (MCQs) on
How to Implement Feign Client in Spring Boot Microservices? Feign Client java Microservices Spring Boot Spring Cloud by devs5003 - May 10, 2024September 18, 20249 When two web applications communicate with each other for data exchange, they work on Producer-Consumer technique. An application who produces data is known as a Producer/Provider application. Similarly the one who consumes data is known as Consumer application. As a Java developer, we might be very familiar with REST API for Producer application whereas RestTemplate for Consumer application. With Microservices based application also, two Microservices communicate with each other and follow the Producer-Consumer model. Here, in consumer side, we use a concept 'Feign Client' as a better option instead of RestTemplate in order to minimize our effort of coding. Therefore, our topic of discussion is 'How to Implement Feign Client in Spring Boot Microservices?'. Apart from consuming REST services in an
How to register Microservices in Eureka Server java Eureka Microservices Spring Cloud by devs5003 - March 4, 2024March 11, 20249 In the series of Microservices Tutorial, we have already discussed on Microservices Architecture and Microservices in Java in a theoretical way. Now in this article, we will create an example by using Netflix Eureka in the context of Microservices. We will use Netflix Eureka to register & discover Microservices. In order to make intra-communication happen between multiple micro services, it is mandatory to register & discover them in the application. It is possible by using Netflix Eureka Server. Hence, we will talk about 'How to register Microservices in Eureka Server?' in this article. In order to make communication happen among all microservices in an application, there should be a common medium. Subsequently, that common medium should have details of all microservices
How to implement Fault Tolerance in Microservices using Resilience4j? Resilience4j java Microservices Spring Boot Spring Cloud by devs5003 - February 24, 2024November 28, 20246 When we develop an application, especially a Microservices-based applications, there are high chances that we experience some deviations while running it in real time. Sometimes, it could be slow response, network failures, REST call failures, failures due to the high number of requests and much more. In order to tolerate these kinds of suspected faults, we need to incorporate Fault Tolerance mechanism in our application. To achieve it, we will make use of Resilience4j library. Resilience4j is a lightweight, easy-to-use fault tolerance library inspired by Netflix Hystrix, but designed for Java 8 and functional programming. So, our focus in this article will be on 'How to implement Fault Tolerance in Microservices using Resilience4j?' After implementing the Fault Tolerance in Microservices using Resilience4j,
Microservices in Java Microservices java Spring Boot by devs5003 - December 4, 2023February 2, 202513 What are Microservices in Java, Microservices in Java Spring Boot, Microservices in Java, How to build microservices in java ?, Eureka, Resilience4j, Feign Client, Hystrix, Slueth, Zipkin, Spring Boot Admin Dashboard, Spring Boot Actuator, Java Microservices, Microservices in Java Tutorial etc. When a new architecture for developing an application comes into the market, it makes Solution Architects more busy in finding out which language to use to fulfill customer's need. No surprise!, we are just talking about Microservices Architecture that we have covered at length in another article. However, there are many languages which started using Microservices Architecture. The top five languages that are using Microservices are Java, Python, C++, Ruby and Golang. Although this data is based on the number
Spring Cloud Annotations With Examples java Microservices Spring Boot Spring Cloud by devs5003 - October 22, 2023August 27, 20240 Introduction of new Annotations reduces the development efforts day by day. Needless to say, as a developer, we can't think of the development of an enterprise level application without using annotations, especially in applications that use Spring or related frameworks. Furthermore, we come across the Spring Cloud framework when we develop a Microservices based application. Now-a-days, there is a high demand of Microservices based applications in the industry. Therefore, it becomes very crucial to know the annotations used in Spring Cloud. Hence, in this article, we are going to discuss 'Spring Cloud Annotations With Examples'. We can't deny from the fact that the cloud is the future and, in the upcoming days, we will be seeing a lot of Java based
Microservices Interview Questions java Microservices Spring Boot by devs5003 - August 25, 2022March 24, 20240 If we talk about a job interview in Java technology, knowledge of Microservices is expected from a java developer now-a-days. Even if you don’t mention it in your resume, you will be asked a question 'Did you get any chance to work in Microservices?'. It happens because Microservices is gaining the importance day by day in developing a Java based Application. Apart from that, microservices is a trending architecture in the industry. Hence, sometime it becomes a ‘Must Know’ skill for a Java developer. Therefore, our topic for discussion is ‘Microservices Interview Questions & Answers’. Microservices Interview Questions In this article, we will talk about the most important interview questions on Microservices. If you are looking for detailed tutorials on Microservices, kindly