Spring WebFlux CRUD Example java Spring Spring Boot Spring WebFlux by devs5003 - August 13, 2024August 15, 20240 All Java developers must have worked on traditional REST APIs at some point in their career. Other than the traditional approach of developing a REST API, now we have a new upgraded way of doing it. Reactive Programming as a new approach to working with REST APIs. Compared to traditional REST development, this approach is faster and offers for optimal resource utilization. In this article, we will work on the concepts of Spring WebFlux, which comes under the Reactive Programming model. Spring WebFlux is a reactive web framework built on top of Spring Framework 5, designed to handle the demands of modern web applications. Spring WebFlux provides a non-blocking and event-driven programming model that allows developers to build scalable and high-performance
Spring Boot MVC CRUD Example java MVC Spring Spring Boot by devs5003 - August 8, 2024August 10, 20245 When we develop a Web Application using Spring Boot, the knowledge of MVC pattern becomes important. Needless to say, the MVC is a short form of Model, View and the Controller. Moreover, the Spring Boot makes a developer's life easier in developing the web application using MVC architecture. Spring Boot offers us a starter project 'Spring web' to work with MVC applications. In this article 'Spring Boot MVC CRUD Example', we are going to learn entire CRUD operations that are mandatory to develop any MVC application. It will also provide you the knowledge of complete flow of MVC starting from user interface till the data layer. We will make use of Thymeleaf and Bootstrap for view part and MySQL for database.
Spring Security LDAP Authentication Example java Security Spring Spring Boot by devs5003 - August 1, 2024August 3, 20240 If you have ever implemented login feature in a production grade application, you must have heard about the LDAP authentication. LDAP can be used in any type of the hierarchical directory information. The most popular use of LDAP is to store an organizational data. A typical organization generally has directors, managers, supervisors and other positions. In other words, these are the hierarchical data where LDAP mechanism is perfect to implement. In this way, most of the organizations use it to maintain the organizational information including their credentials. We will discuss Spring Security LDAP Authentication Example in this article. In Spring based applications, LDAP is used to integrate with LDAP directories and perform various directory-related operations, such as user authentication and authorization.
How to implement AOP in Spring Boot Application? Spring Boot java Spring by shwetas8536 - July 3, 2024July 8, 20242 If you are developing an application in Spring or using Spring Boot, you must have come across the word 'AOP'. It stands for Aspect Oriented programming. Although AOP concept is a bit tough to understand, but undoubtedly it makes the developer's life easy. You will feel it more than easy once you complete this topic 'How to implement AOP in Spring Boot Application?'. In fact terminologies used in AOP concept by definition are very close to each other that makes it a bit tricky to understand effortlessly. However, we will understand all of them with suitable examples respectively. While developing an application you might have observed that there are certain lines of code which appear in every class unknowingly. What will
Spring MCQ with Answers Explained Part-2 java Lombok MCQ Spring by devs5003 - June 12, 2024June 14, 20240 If you are a Java developer, you are expected to have a good understanding of Spring Framework Concepts, both conceptual part & programming part as well. However, Spring Boot is the popular framework in the industry. Spring Boot is built on top of Spring Framework itself. If you have a good hold on the Spring Framework, you will easily understand Spring Boot and work on it smoothly. In this article, we will refresh our concepts in the form of MCQs that are frequently asked in the interviews as well. Furthermore, you must also get benefitted in both either a written test or the interviews from these Spring MCQ. So, whether you are a beginner or a professional, solve these Spring MCQ
Java Scheduler: How to Schedule a Job in Java Spring Boot Scheduler Scheduling java Spring Spring Boot by devs5003 - April 26, 2024April 28, 202445 Sometimes we come across a situation when we expect a task should execute only at a particular point of time or re-execute within a particular time interval. Simultaneously, our client expects a functionality to be executed at a particular time on an hourly basis, daily basis, weekly basis, monthly basis or even some other as well. In fact, in all these types of situations we implement scheduling to get the requirements fulfilled accordingly. For example, one of the most popular implementation is the report generation at a particular time. On the other hand, almost every client expects this functionality to have in the project. Currently the most popular one is the PDF report. Consequently, our topic 'Java Scheduler: How to Schedule
Spring Dependency Injection java Spring Spring Boot Spring Core by devs5003 - April 18, 2024April 19, 20240 If you are working in a project where spring is being used, you must have heard about the term 'Spring Dependency Injection'. If not, this is the right time to dig into it as much as possible without further delay. Needless to say, Spring dependency Injection is the heart of the whole Spring Framework. I would also suggest you to go through the practical knowledge of it. However, it is also true that someone can't understand the concept of Spring Dependency Injection only having the theoretical knowledge. If you are expecting to learn all the basic and crucial concept behind the Spring Dependency Injection step by step, and if you don't want to revise the concept more than a hundred times
Profiles In Spring Boot java Spring Spring Boot by devs5003 - April 10, 2024April 11, 20244 When we work on a real time project, we maintain multiple environment for the same project. This happens because we use different infrastructures for different stages of the project. There are different useful environments that we maintain before making the project go live, such as: development (DEV), test, user acceptance testing (UAT), production (PROD). These environments are not fixed at all. Some projects may have some more environments or even sometimes less also. It totally depends on the decisions made by stakeholders involved in the specific project and its requirements. Spring Framework offers us to maintain a separate profile for each environment in order to switch over the environments with a minimal effort. Hence, our topic of discussion is 'Profiles In
How to implement Spring Boot Thymeleaf Security Login Example? Spring Boot java Spring by shwetas8536 - March 17, 2024March 20, 202428 In continuation to previous article on two different ways of implementing Spring Security, here in this article we will learn the third way 'How to implement Spring Boot Thymeleaf Security Login Example using UserDetailsService?'. After going through the previous article, I hope we all are very familiar with basics of Security and even the basics of Security in a Spring Boot application. This time we will create a user registration form and save users with their roles into database. Then, based on the user role, we will check the authentication and authorization functionalities with the help of predefined UserDetailsService. If you are looking for 'How to implement Security in Spring Boot using UserDetailsService with Spring Boot 3 onward?, kindly visit a
How to implement JWT Authentication in Spring Boot Project? Spring Boot java Spring Spring Boot 3 Spring Security by shwetas8536 - March 15, 2024March 17, 202411 No one can deny from the fact that Security is a vital feature of a production ready application. Although we can secure one web application using In-memory authentication, JDBC Authentication or via UserDetailsService. But when one application uses the services of other application internally, then implementation of security with webservices concept becomes important. In this situation we secure our application using a token which has a particular period of validity. In this article, we are going to learn 'How to implement JWT Authentication in Spring Boot Project?' to understand the concept behind JWT(JSON Web Token) Authentication as a whole. As JWT stands for 'JSON Web Token', it is clear that the token holds the data in the form of JSON only. Moreover,