Java Excel Apis To Read Excel File In Java Using Poiji API Spring Boot Excel java poiji by devs5003 - August 17, 2024August 20, 20242 Java Excel Apis to read excel file in Java using Poiji Almost every Java developer come across one of the most common requirements expected by the clients. The requirement is working with excel either to generate reports or to take input data from excel. As a java developer, we should be aware of the mapping between excel data & java objects. If we can have an API which can directly map excel cell to a field (property) of a java class, then it will become very easy to implement any kind of operation on excel. No surprise ! We have an API called Poiji(A Java Excel API). It is developed on top of very popular Apache POI just like Spring Boot on
Apache Excel POI Utils : A Java Excel API java by devs5003 - December 10, 2021April 9, 20220 Apache Excel POI Utils : A Java Excel API (No need to create row or cell each time) What is Apache POI ? Why is it so popular to utilize? Apache POI is an open source Java API. It allows developers to create, modify, and display MS Office files using Java programs. Also, Apache POI is developed by Apache Software Foundation to operate on Microsoft Office files as a Java program. Furthermore, It is the most popular API and up to date to work with newer versions of MS Office files. On the other hand, some other available APIs are JEXCEL, JXLS, FILLO, APACHE COMMONS CSV etc. However, Apache POI provides stream-based processing which is suitable for large files & requires less memory.