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Spring Boot Bean Annotations With Examples

Spring Boot Bean Annotations With ExamplesIn this article we will discuss on ‘Spring Boot Bean Annotations with Examples’. Needless to say, these annotations play a crucial role in creating basic as well as enterprise level Spring Boot Applications. If you want to learn all annotations which are generally used in a Spring Boot Project, kindly visit our article ‘Spring Boot Annotations with Examples‘. Let’s discuss about ‘Spring Boot Bean Annotations with Examples’ here only.

What is a Java Bean?

Java Bean is a simple java helper class, used to transfer data between classes or applications. Typically, it doesn’t act as a main class, but like postman or delivery boy between two classes. It doesn’t contain any logic.

There are some standard guidelines to develop a Java Bean class:

1. We must declare Java Bean as a public class.
2. It is a recommendation to implement (used to sent data across network as we can easily send serializable data over the network). It is optional if you don’t want to send data over network.
3. All member variables(bean properties) should be private & non-static (if we want to send data of 20 employees, 20 values will be sent. if its static only one value will be sent, so declaring non-static becomes mandatory to get full benefit of Java Bean)
4. Also Every bean property should have one setter and one getter method (Accessor Methods).

What is a Spring Bean or Component?

During Application startup, Spring instantiates objects and adds them to the Application Context. These objects in the Application Context are called ‘Spring Beans’ or ‘Spring Components’. Since they are managed by Spring, we also call them Spring-managed Bean or Spring-managed Component.

We have a separate detailed article on ‘What is Spring Bean?‘, which can make your Spring Bean concept crystal clear.

What is @Bean annotation in Spring/Spring Boot?

If you remember the xml configuration of a Spring, It is a direct analog of the XML <bean/> element. It creates Spring beans and generally used with @Configuration. We use @Bean at method level. As aforementioned, a class with @Configuration (we can call it as a Configuration class) will have methods to instantiate objects and configure dependencies. Such methods will have @Bean annotation. By default, the bean name will be the same as the method name. It instantiates and returns the actual bean. The annotated method produces a bean managed by the Spring IoC container.

public class AppConfig {
     public Employee employee() {
         return new Employee();
    public Address address() {
        return new Address();

For comparison sake, the configuration above is exactly equivalent to the following Spring XML:

    <bean name="employee" class=""/>
    <bean name="address" class=""/>

The annotation supports most of the attributes offered by <bean/>, such as: init-methoddestroy-methodautowiringlazy-initdependency-checkdepends-on and scope.

Spring Boot Bean Annotations With Examples

In order to understand easily, we have categorized all bean related annotations in three categories.

1) Annotations used for Bean Properties

2) Annotations used for Bean Injection

3) Annotations used for Bean State

Let’s discuss them one by one in the subsequent sections.

Annotations on Bean Properties

Here, we will be discussing annotations on Bean properties from our article ‘Spring Boot Bean Annotations with Examples’. Let’s start with @Lazy.


By default, Spring creates all singleton beans eagerly at the startup/bootstrapping of the application context. However, in some cases when we need to create a bean, not at the application context startup, but when we request it intentionally. In that case we apply @Lazy. When we put @Lazy annotation over the @Configuration class, it indicates that all the methods with @Bean annotation should be loaded lazily. Moreover, this is the equivalent for the XML based configuration’s default-lazy-init=“true“ attribute. Beans that are not annotated with @Lazy are initialized eagerly. For example, below code demonstrates the use of @Lazy annotation:

public class AppConfig {
     public Employee getEmployee() {
          return new Employee();

As shown in the above example, in order to lazy load only specific beans, use @Lazy annotation along with @Bean annotation on a specific method.


Before getting into @Profile, lets understand the concept of Profiles in Spring Boot. Spring Profiles provide a way to split parts of your application configuration and make it only available in certain environments. We all know that we have various environments in developing a project such as Development, Test, UAT, Production etc. In fact, we have specific configurations for a specific environment like hostname, port etc. Moreover, we need some specific bean to initialize only at a specific environment. Now let’s observe how we can make a bean belong to a particular profile.

We use the @Profile annotation which indicates that we are mapping the bean to that particular profile. It indicates that beans will be only initialized if the defined profiles are active. The annotation simply takes the names of one or multiple profiles. For example, let’s consider we have a bean that should only be active during development but not deployed in production. We annotate that bean with a development profile, and it will only be present in the container during development. But in production, the development won’t be active.

public class MyConfigClass{ }

In contrast, we can also prefix profile names with a NOT operator, e.g., !development, to exclude them from a profile. For example, we can initialize below component only if development profile is not active.

public class MyConfigClass{ }


The scope of a bean indicates the life cycle and visibility of that bean in the contexts in which it is used. Spring framework defines 6 types of scopes as per the latest version.


Out of aforementioned six scopes, four are available only if we use a web-aware ApplicationContext. However, Singleton and prototype scopes are available in any type of IOC containers. To declare the scope of a bean we use @Scope annotation. If no scope is specified, Singleton scope is the default value. For example, to declare a prototype scope, we will use @Scope as below:

public Student studentPrototype() {
     return new Student();


When one bean has dependency on other bean we use @DependsOn annotation. Also, if you need to initialize any bean before another bean, @DependsOn will help you to do this job. While creating bean we need to define value of @DependsOn attribute as a dependent bean. Moreover, the @DependsOn attribute can explicitly force one or more beans to be initialized before the current bean is initialized. For Example, let’s assume that we have two beans BeanA and BeanB and BeanB depends on BeanA. Therefore, our code will look like below:

public class BeanA { }

public class BeanB { }

@DependsOn(value = {"beanA","beanB"})
public class BeanC { }


The @Order annotation defines the sorting order of an annotated component or a bean.
It has an optional ‘value’ argument which determines the execution order of the component. However the default value is Ordered.LOWEST_PRECEDENCE. This value indicates that the component has the lowest priority among all other ordered components. Similarly, the value Ordered.HIGHEST_PRECEDENCE indicates that the component has the highest priority among components. If we provide order value in @Order attribute, the lower number has the highest precedence ie. Order annotation with 1 will run before 2. We can even provide negative numbers.

The order with the smaller value will always take precedence. If Component/Bean does not have @Order, by default it will execute in alphabetical order of bean name. Further, if two components are with the same order value, the alphabetical order of component name will win.

♥ Note : Execution order will be as below:
First components with order value of negative number
Then components with order value of positive number
Then no order value components in alphabetical order of their names

For example, let’s observe below code:

public class A { }

public class D { }

public class C { }

public class B { }

public class F { }

public class E { }

From the above components, the order of execution will be : C, A, B, D, E, F


When we have multiple beans of the same type, we use @Primary to give higher preference to a particular bean. For example, Let’s assume that we have two beans PermanentEmployee and ContractEmployee of type Employee. Here, we want to give preference to PermanentEmployee. Let’s observe below code to know how we will apply @Primary to give the preference.

public class ContractEmployee implements Employee { }

public class PermanentEmployee implements Employee { }

public class EmployeeService {
    private Employee employee;
    public Employee getEmployee() {
         return employee;

Needless to say, in above EmployeeService class, PermanentEmployee will be injected via autowiring.

Note : If we don’t provide @Primary in PermanentEmployee component and try to run the application, Spring throws NoUniqueBeanDefinitionException. However, to access beans of the same type we generally use @Qualifier(“beanName”) annotation. In fact we apply it at the injection point along with @Autowired. In our case, as we selected the beans at the configuration phase so we can’t apply @Qualifier annotation here.


@Conditional indicates that a component is only eligible for registration when all specified conditions match. If a @Configuration class is marked with @Conditional, all of the @Bean methods, @Import annotations, and @ComponentScan annotations associated with that class will be subject to the conditions. In short, annotated bean is created only if all conditions are satisfied. Spring 4.0 introduced this new annotation @Conditional that allows us to use either pre-defined or custom conditions that we can apply to bean in application context.

For example, let’s see one pre-defined condition with @ConditionalOnJava.

@ConditionalOnJava(value = JavaVersion.NINE)
public JavaBean getJavaBean(){
    return new JavaBean();

The above JavaBean will be loaded only if the running Java version in 9. Now let’s see the most popular and commonly used pre-defined conditional annotation @ConditionalOnProperty in Spring Boot projects. It allows to load beans conditionally depending on a certain environment property:

        havingValue = "true", 
        matchIfMissing = true
class MyPaymentModule {

The MyPaymentModule only loaded if the module.enabled property has the value true. If the property is not set at all, it will still be loaded, because we have defined matchIfMissing as true. This way, we have created a module that is loaded by default until we decide otherwise.

  • @ConditionalOnProperty
  • @ConditionalOnExpression
  • @ConditionalOnBean
  • @ConditionalOnMissingBean
  • @ConditionalOnResource

The conditional annotations described above are the more common ones that we might use in any Spring Boot application. Spring Boot delivers even more conditional annotations. They are, however, not as common and some of them are more preferable for framework development rather than application development. Although Spring Boot framework uses some of them intensively.

  • @ConditionalOnClass
  • @ConditionalOnMissingClass
  • @ConditionalOnJndi
  • @ConditionalOnJava
  • @ConditionalOnSingleCandidate
  • @ConditionalOnWebApplication
  • @ConditionalOnNotWebApplication
  • @ConditionalOnCloudPlatform

Annotations on Bean Injection

Let’s discuss next annotations on Spring Bean Injection from our article ‘Spring Boot Bean Annotations with Examples’. Needless to say, how important they are in a Spring Boot Project.

@Autowired, @Resource, @Inject

These annotations belong to dependency injection. They provide classes with a declarative way to resolve dependencies. @Resource and @Inject belong to the Java extension packages javax.annotation.Resource and javax.inject.Inject respectively. However, the @Autowired annotation belongs to the org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation package. Since @Autowired is part of the Spring framework directly, we as a developer always prefer to use this in our project. In this case Dependency Injection is handled completely by the Spring Framework.

Although Each of these annotations can resolve dependencies either by field injection, constructor injection or by setter injection.


@Autowired facilitates to resolve and inject the object dependency implicitly. It internally uses setter or constructor injection. We can’t use @Autowired to inject primitive and string values. It works with reference only. We can use @Autowired on properties or fields, setters, and constructors. Let’s see how we can use @Autowired in a property. Let’s define a bean as PaymentService.

public class PaymentService { 

      public void doPayment() { .... } 

Then, we’ll inject this bean into the PaymentController bean using @Autowired on the field definition as below:

public class PaymentController { 
     private PaymentService service; 

     public void getPayment() {

Here, Spring Container injects PaymentService when PaymentController created.

@Autowired Execution Precedence

This annotation has execution paths as below listed by precedence:
First Match by Type
Then Match by Qualifier
Then Match by Name

@Resource Execution Precedence

@Resource has execution paths as below listed by precedence:
First Match by Name
Then Match by Type
Then Match by Qualifier

@Inject Execution Precedence

This annotation has the same execution path preference as the @Autowired annotation:
First Match by Type
Then Match by Qualifier
Then Match by Name
Moreover, in order to access the @Inject annotation, the javax.inject library has to be declared as a Gradle or Maven dependency.


The @Qualifier annotation provides additional information to @Autowired annotation while resolving bean dependency. If more than one bean of the same type is available in the container, we need to tell container explicitly which bean we want to inject, otherwise the framework will throw an NoUniqueBeanDefinitionException, indicating that more than one bean is available for autowiring. Here, @Qualifier does the required job. For instance, let’s see how we can use the @Qualifier annotation to indicate the required bean. Consider the below code:

public interface PaymentService { }

public class CardPaymentService implements PaymentService { }

public class CashPaymentService implements PaymentService { }

public class PaymentController {

    private PaymentService service;

    public void getPayment() {

Here, By including the @Qualifier annotation together with the name of the specific implementation(cardPaymentService) we have eliminated the ambiguity as Spring container finds two beans of the same type.

@Primary vs @Qualifier

We can also use @Primary annotation when we need to decide which bean to inject in case of ambiguity. Similar to @Qualifier, this annotation also defines a preference when multiple beans of the same type is present. In that situation, the bean annotated with the @Primary will be used unless otherwise indicated. However, this annotation is useful when we want to specify which bean of a certain type should be injected by default. Mainly, we use @Primary in the sense of a default, while @Qualifier in the sense of a very specific.

In case If both the @Qualifier and @Primary annotations are present, then the @Qualifier annotation will take precedence. In this case, we should place the @Primary annotation in one of the implementing classes. For example, visit ‘Annotations on Bean Properties’ section of this article.

@Primary vs @Qualifier is also the important point from the interview point of view. As the interviewer will ask the difference between them when you will be explaining the concept of ambiguity in bean injection.

Annotations on Bean State

Now let’s discuss annotations on Bean State from our article ‘Spring Boot Bean Annotations with Examples’. The below two annotations are part of Spring Bean Life Cycle. In Spring, we can either implement InitializingBean and DisposableBean interfaces or specify the init-method and destroy-method in bean configuration file for the initialization and destruction callback function. Here, we will discuss about two annotations @PostConstruct and @PreDestroy to do the same thing.

♦ Note: Please note that the @PostConstruct and @PreDestroy annotations do not belong to the Spring. They are part of JEE library and exits in common-annotations.jar. Since Java EE has deprecated in Java 9 and also removed in Java 11 we have to add an additional dependency to use these annotations: javax.annotation-api. If you are using Java 8 or older version, there is no need to include any additional dependency.


Spring calls methods annotated with @PostConstruct only once, just after the initialization of bean properties. Annotated method is executed after dependency injection is done to perform initialization. The method annotated with @PostConstruct can have any access level except static.


Spring calls methods method annotated with @PreDestroy only once, just before Spring removes our bean from the application context. Annotated method is executed before the bean is destroyed, e.g. on the shutdown. Similar to @PostConstruct, the method annotated with @PostConstruct can have any access level except static.

public class MyTestClass {
      public void postConstruct() throws Exception {
           System.out.println("Init method after properties are set");
      public void preDestroy() throws Exception {
         System.out.println("Spring Container is destroyed! clean up");


What is the difference between @Primary and @Qualifier annotations?

1) @Primary resolves the ambiguity problem by making one of the dependent Spring Bean as the primary Spring Bean to inject, whereas @Qualifier resolves the same problem by taking that dependent Spring Bean whose bean Id is specified in it.

2) @Primary makes IOC container to inject its Spring Bean as dependent to target bean using ‘By Type’ mode of auto-wiring, whereas @Qualifier does the same thing using ‘By Name’ mode of auto-wiring.

3) @Primary is applicable at the class level, whereas @Qualifier is applicable at field level, parameter level, and method level.

What is the difference between @Component and @Bean annotations in Spring?

@Component is used to automatically register a class as a Spring bean by the Spring container. Traditionally, it is applied to the class itself. The @Component annotation indicates that a class is a Spring bean. Spring scans for classes annotated with @Component and automatically registers them as beans in the Spring container.

@Bean is used to manually define a bean within a @Configuration-annotated class. It allows us to specify bean creation logic and dependencies in a method.

What is the purpose of Spring bean annotations?

Spring bean annotations are used to define and configure Spring beans in a Java class. These annotations provide metadata to the Spring container, specifying how beans should be created, wired, and managed.


3 thoughts on “Spring Boot Bean Annotations With Examples

  1. Very nice and useful summary.
    But why title this article “spring boot bean annotations” ? This is standard spring core/spring framework annotations. Spring boot is not mandatory to embed spring in your application, it’s just a toolkit making things easier and quicker.

    1. Dear Saad,
      Thanks for reading the article’s title carefully and pointing this out. Spring is already embedded in Spring Boot. Spring Boot creators have already used Spring annotations internally to create Spring Boot specific annotations. Majority of new APIs in Spring Boot are derived with the help of Spring itself that also include some additional features. Just assume that all annotations of Spring are also applicable in Spring Boot. If there are some exceptions, that will also be included in future articles.

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